Harry McIndoe
Harry McIndoe

BPL Global

United Kingdom

Insurance: Moving with the ever-changing times

Rakesh Ranchhoddas
Bank and Insurance Relations & Global Customer Solutions,
Archer Daniels Midland
Harry McIndoe
BPL Global
Jean-Paul Steenbeke
Deputy General Manager,
Martin Staude
Deputy Head Commodity and Energy Transition Finance,
Swiss Re
Ivar Cambridge
Business Executive,
GarantiBank International N.V.

Gathering brokers, underwriters, and customers of CPRI, this session looks at how appetite is shifting amid geopolitical tensions, and other challenges posed to the market. 

  • In terms of claims, gross loss ratios are coming down, and net loss ratios have stabilized. Looking forward, what does this reflect? 

  • How challenging is geopolitical risk when it comes to insuring deals in countries rich in critical metals such as the DRC?

  • For the banks and traders, how well utilised is CPRI as a product? Could it provide better support?