Raman Jaggi
Raman Jaggi
CFO, EET Biofuels & EET Infra

EET Fuels

United Kingdom
Sustainability stream

New energies: The journey to liquidity and tradability

Raman Kavalchuk
Chairman of the Board,
Langskip Energy Nordic Ltd
Paola Rodriguez
Head of Research and Trade Analytics,
STX Commodities
Raman Jaggi
CFO, EET Biofuels & EET Infra,
EET Fuels
Hesham Zakai
Managing Director,
Exile Group

Although there is a steady buzz around new energies, the level of activity from major traders in these markets is fragmented. This session looks at how the new energies sector can be converted to the mainstream. 

  • What are the growth prospects of new energies such as hydrogen? 

  • Can new energies become as liquid and tradable as crude oil? What’s standing in the way?

  • Are we close to seeing regulated pricing benchmarks in this area?